The Future of Licensing for the ITAM Manager
In today’s IT world, lots of elements are in flux. Every day it seems that a new piece of software is introduced and adopted by end users within organizations.
One of the hardest things for asset managers is to know which new software is here to stay, and therefore should be properly licensed and actively managed at an enterprise level, and which is just a flash in the pan.
Rich Gibbons, ITAM Services Director at The ITAM Review, joins the show to offer some guidance to IT asset managers on the future of licensing.
Join us as we discuss:
Microsoft’s new pay-as-you-go model
Evolving strategies for catalog management
How the role of the IT asset manager will shift
The need to get closer to technology usage and the business
The future of audits
Tips to navigate the future of licensing
Mentioned during the podcast:
Cloudy with a Chance of Licensing
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